Sunday 16 June 2013


As a midwife, I totally believe in giving babies the best start in life. There is no better way to ensure this than exclusively breastfeeding for the first 6 -12 months.
Your breastmilk is designed for your baby, passing on antibodies that help to fight infection and reduce the risk of cot death as well as reducing the risk of obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes in later life to name but a few. It also has major health benefits for mothers such as reducing the risk of breast and ovarian cancer and type II diabetes.
Unfortunately breastfeeding isn't plain sailing for some women, and after over 20 years in the profession, I have seen hundreds of women give up breastfeeding within 6 weeks due to not having the support they need or becoming overtired and stressed when they feel that they are failing in establishing feeding.
Therefore I feel that I am right in recommending the Mimijumi feeding bottle. The Mimijumi is designed to feed your baby similar to the way the breast does. The "dome" and "nipple" are shaped for effective latching, and like breastfeeding, the milk flow is regulated by your baby's sucking action.

The baby stretches and flattens the nipple of the bottle in much the same way as it does on a real nipple, thus reducing nipple confusion. It isn't designed to replace breastfeeding but to complement your breastfeeding programme.
Therefore at times when it is difficult to put your baby to the breast such as when you want your partner to bond and feed your baby or if you cannot feed for a short time but would like to return to breastfeeding, for instance if you were suffering from infected mastitis, you may find the Mimijumi bottle is perfect for you. It also as many good qualities. ie:
    It contains no BPA or Phthalates
    It passes all global safety standards
    It has a trendy design
    Comprises of only 2 parts and can be assembled one-handed
    Dishwasher and boil safe
    Anti-slip base
    Wide neck for ease of hand expressing
    Anti colic venting
    Makes transition to bottle feeding easier
So if you are struggling with breastfeeding or just want a solution for when putting your baby to the breast isn't an option choose Mimijumi - the next best thing.

Customer Review: 
"We've been using these bottles with my 3 week old and highly recommend them, he will drink more milk from these bottles and seems to take in less air so needs less winding. We were using another brand to begin with but tried these to assist with combination feeding and have been really impressed". 



  1. We've been using these bottles with my 3 week old and highly recommend them, he will drink more milk from these bottles and seems to take in less air so needs less winding. We were using another brand to begin with but tried these to assist with combination feeding and have been really impressed.

  2. They seem like a great product and I must say it's refreshing to read this from a midwife because sadly, I've known many Mums who have been told by HCPs that they're letting their child down if they stop breastfeeding or combi feed. I am breastfeeding but want to give expressed feeds sometimes because my baby is very unsettled generally and I get very tired and sometimes down so would appreciate a break, these look great x

    1. Thanks for your kind words. Yes they are indeed excellent bottles to accompany breastfeeding. Mandy

  3. Where can I buy these feeding bottle


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